Welcome to this site focusing purely on fluid acrylic paintings and how to create them.
I am a professional artist who first started creating fluid acrylic paintings in around 2006 after mixing up some watered down acrylic paint and experimenting! Since then I have gone on to create and sell probably around 300 fluid acrylic paintings using different thicknesses of paint and some slightly differing methods. This is however, just a subset of the over 600 paintings that I have sold to date but it is one of my favourite ways of creating paintings.

Paintings I have sold have ranged in size from small 15x15cm studies to large artworks, the biggest of which measured 180 x 180cm and was custom made for an interior designer for a villa in Abu Dhabi.
I have been experimenting in different ways of creating fluid acrylic paintings and posted a video on YouTube about one of my creations which pretty much went viral so I thought it would be useful to fully explore different ways of creating these paintings and sharing those methods with other people.
Many Methods
There are many ways of creating fluid acrylic paintings and I do not profess to be an expert in them all! There are many people out there creating paintings using different methods and paint additives and I will try and share as many of those methods on here and the results of those fantastic artists. I would say that when you find a method that you like and that works for you, then keep practicing that one!
You Can Do It!
The great thing about fluid acrylic paintings is that anyone can do them. You just need to know a few basics and then you can give it a try yourself and it is a great way to create your own abstract art for your own home. Of course it is not always that simple. It is quite easy to end up with a washed up messy mixture of colors so it’s important to be quite careful with your colors and how you create your painting.
In terms of creating a fluid acrylic painting, you need a couple of things – the paint and the medium(s). Different artists use different mediums and I will be exploring all of the options that I come across and creating pages for each technique, once I have tried them all out.